THE Stylemate, Issue 02|2019: fancy adventures
And it is to adventure (“fancy adventures”) that this edition of THE Stylemate is dedicated on 40 pages. Where can we find adventure today, when it seems as if we hav already seen and experienced everything. We believe the answer is: everywhere.
On th road – that goes without saying – but als in business, between the covers of a book, an of course in our heads. Read on and let us prove it to you.
A woman is on our cover again. This time, it is our honour to feature the French designer Praline Le Moult (interview here >>), who not only has made pyjamas stylish, but is also the great-granddaughter of the famous butterfly hunter Eugène Le Moult.

He grew up in the tropical penal colony of French Guiana, where his father, a public official, was working on the development of the road network. That was where a young Le Moult discovered the beauty of the morpho butterflies in the region and started hunting them for sale in mainland France. Sounds like an adventure? It was!
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