Imagine walking into a room full of building blocks, vivid colours and joyful music. What do you feel? A sense of lightness, perhaps a small tingle of anticipation? Or do you just think: Right, where shall I start with all this?
Maybe just allow your imagination to run wild and use them to build a house? After all, playing isn’t just for children. Play is also a valuable resource in our adult lives, but it’s so easily forgotten among all the pressure and stress.

As Albert Einstein said: “Play is the highest form of research.” And actually, we learn, grow and continually discover new things by playing. It opens our eyes to unexpected possibilities and helps us to stay creative and flexible. With a playful approach, we can develop to reach our true potential. We allow ourselves to push, experiment, fail and learn – without the fear of making mistakes.

Playing means freedom. Freedom to rediscover yourself, see the world with new eyes and free yourself from everyday obligations. It allows us to be creative, develop new ideas and even engage in lateral thinking. It’s an invitation to not take life so seriously all the time and let go of any inner pressure.
In this issue of THE Stylemate, we look at playful architecture and new designs in Milan that simply bring joy thanks to their creativity. We also visited Palermo to see fashion designer Mattia Piazza,
who sparks joy with his work. And on that note: let’s all play a bit more.

In this issue, you will also find the Lifestylehotels SELECTION with stories that take you to places where you can unfold. Discover not only new places, but also discover yourself. The world we want to take you to is a world of indulgence and mindfulness.
Mindfulness is more than just a buzzword in the Lifestylehotels. Farm-to-table concepts, the support of local artists, a particularly resource-conserving hotel operation and the meditative experience of nature are just a few examples of the hoteliers’ endeavours. The demand for aesthetics and quality is and remains the central vision of a modern hotel industry, but more mindful and sustainable in the sense of the new spirituality.

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