In a world that is spinning faster and faster, many of us are looking for calmness and clarity. “Mindful living” means living consciously in the moment and shows us the path inwards, which is where real peace lies. Religions like Buddhism and Hinduism remind us that happiness can’t be found externally and resides instead in mindfulness and silence.
Today, modern spiritual teachers like Jay Shetty, Sadhguru and Thích Nhâ´t Hanh are guiding us on this path. They combine ancient wisdom with the modern world and show us how spirituality can be rooted in everyday life. Their teaching helps us to understand ourselves and be present in every moment.
Mindfulness is also visible in the external world: minimalist architecture and clean lines reflect a conscious life. Less is more, both in our spaces and in our minds. “Mindful industry” provides us with tools to incorporate mindfulness into our daily routine – but above all else, it’s about returning to the simple things: a conscious breath, a mindful moment.
How can we shape our day in a more mindful way? We start small. We take time for a brief meditation: we sit down comfortably, close our eyes and focus only on our breathing for five minutes. We feel the peace in the simplicity of this moment. And in the reading of this issue.
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