Coffee Mecca in Mexico

The locations of the Mexican Kali Coffee Roasters turn drinking coffee into a holistic experience. Harmonious interior design and responsible farming included.

For many people, starting the day without the obligatory cup of coffee is unthinkable or even impossible. Only the fine aroma in the nose and the bitter chocolate flavour in the mouth ensure that you are fit enough to tackle the tasks of the day.

In der Kaffeebar von Kali Coffee Roasters, wo die Baristas vor den Augen der Gäste ihr Können zeigen, wird das Kaffee-Trinken zelebriert.
Drinking coffee is celebrated in the Kali Coffee Roasters coffee bar, where the baristas show off their skills in front of the guests.

Coffee was first mentioned in the Kaffa region in south-west Ethiopia in 900 AD. The first coffee houses were founded from 1530. The great stone fruit – coffee is botanically a cherry – made it to Western Europe at the end of the 17th century.

Versatile “survival elixir”

The “right” way to prepare coffee has always been the subject of hype – the latest coffee trends include the “pink latte”, “white flat” and “cold brew”. The focus was on issues such as the roasting of the coffee beans, the water temperature, the water itself and its lime content, milk frothing and the use of milk and other additives in general.

But the preparation method, for example using a French press, an Italian espresso maker or as filter coffee, with a machine or by hand, is also a constant topic of discussion among coffee drinkers.

Ein Standort von Kali Coffee Roasters in Mexiko
Kali Coffee Roasters’ newest location in Mexico. The interior design was created by Concéntrico Arquitectos.
Kali bedeutet Heimat in der Sprache der Nahuatl
Kali means home in the Nahuatl language. The interior design is therefore imbued with traditional stylistic elements.

Humanity can therefore be divided into two groups: The true coffee aficionados, who make a science out of preparing the aromatic drink or at least celebrate its enjoyment. And then there are the clueless. The first group of people should definitely consider travelling to Mexico, specifically to San Pedro Garza Garcia, in the state of Nuevo León in northern Mexico.

More than just local colour

This is where the latest coffee location of the Mexican coffee roasting company Kali is located. Everything is just right there: The look, which is based on the culture and traditions of the region, the coffee bar that forms the centrepiece, seating where you can breathe in and soak up everything that has anything to do with coffee, not least the inviting atmosphere and the certainty that the coffee used comes from a finca with sustainable cultivation and that the company is very socially oriented.

The Spanish architecture studio Concéntrico Arquitectos has created a veritable coffee mecca. The interior design was promptly honoured with the Noldi Schreck Award This is named after the Swiss-Russian architect, who died in 2009 and later became a naturalised Mexican citizen. He is known for the “Zona Rosa”, a hip neighbourhood in Mexico City, and the Puerto Banús in Marbella. He also helped shape the colourful “Acapulco style”. The “Premio Noldi Schreck”, awarded by Glocal Design Magazine, honours outstanding design projects in Mexico.

Das Lokal von Kali Coffee Roasters hat den Premio Noldi Schreck erhalten sowie einen Archello Award
The Kali Coffee Roasters restaurant received the Premio Noldi Schreck and the Archello Award Interior of the Year 2023. The clay bricks also serve as sound insulation.

The Kali location in the Armida district received another award. The shop, also designed by Concéntrico, was named “Archello Interior of the Year 2023” by the architecture and design platform Archello.

“Home” for coffee and aficionados

Kali Coffee Roasters® is run by experienced cafetaleros (coffee producers) with more than three decades of experience in growing premium coffee beans in the rural regions of the state of Chiapas. The term “Kali” is derived from the language of the indigenous people, Nahuatl, and means “home”. The name thus symbolises the deeply rooted philosophy and values of the coffee manufacturer.

On a journey into the world of Kali Coffee Roasters® Concentrico’s experts discovered more than just a coffee company, they also experienced a vibrant and caring community. The company is committed to the community by offering counselling, health and education programmes.

Kali Coffee Roasters: Sehr schönes Ambiente, um Kaffee zu genießen
Kali Coffee Roasters: One of the locations with the typical interior design.
Hier dreht sich alles um das braune Gold, wie Kaffee auch genannt wird.
Very nice ambience to enjoy the brown gold, as coffee is also called.

The houses and restaurants used by Kali Coffee Roasters® are an embodiment of tradition: Wooden and earthen elements wherever you look. The walls decorated with handmade clay bricks tell of old customs. They used to be an integral part of the roofs. At Kali Coffee Roasters® locations, they are cleverly integrated into the interior design. The result is a unique, inviting and warm texture that has become a trademark.

The interior design combines with the product

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, the curved tiles and grids also fulfil a functional purpose: they improve acoustics by absorbing sound waves. And when the light falls in a certain way, this texture gains depth and casts curved shadows. These in turn are reminiscent of coffee beans, visually connecting the room with the product.

One cup at a time – the multi-sensory encounter with coffee at the Kali locations transports every customer to the central Mexican highlands of Chiapas.

Alejandro Peña Villarreal, leitender Architekt Concéntrico

The centrepiece of the coffee experience and the soul of the space is the bar. It is deliberately positioned so that all customers can experience the magical moment of preparation. The overall Design is kept in an open, industrial style. This gives the barista the perfect stage to showcase his skills for all to see.

Dedication to time – and to coffee

Time is a crucial element on the coffee’s journey from the floor to the cup. The character of time is skilfully staged throughout the entire interior – especially through the use of walnut wood as the base of the bar and the side panels. The grain of this wood reflects the annual rings and the layers of the earth.

Walnussholz und Lehmziegel nehmen Bezug auf die Natur, die Zeit und die Kultur in der mexikanischen Region Chiapas
Walnut wood and clay bricks are a reference to nature, time and culture in the Mexican region of Chiapas.

The wood documents the ephemeral. And so does the labour that is required over time until the product is ready: from sowing and planting, to picking and harvesting. Then the selection and crushing of the cherries. Then there is fermentation, drying, sorting and distribution. And finally, of course, roasting and packaging. And at the end customer, the grinding and brewing. Finally, the perfect cup of coffee can be served.

Kali Coffee Roasters® produced the furniture and lighting fixtures in collaboration with Ok Design Studio. They were inspired by local materials, textiles and designs. The end products are inspired by the spirit of the Chiapas region.

Rainforest Alliance certification

Kali Coffee Roasters® is not only appealing because of these aspects, but also because of its sustainable practices. These can be seen in the partnership with Finca La Fortaleza, among others.

Kali Coffee Roasters unterstützt die lokalen Gemeinschaften
Kali Coffee Roasters supports the local communities.
Der durch die Rainforest Alliance zertifizierte Kaffee für Kali Coffee Roasters stammt von der Finca La Fortaleza
The coffee certified by the Rainforest Alliance comes from the Finca La Fortaleza.

At Finca La Fortaleza, coffee is grown that is certified according to the rules of the NGO Rainforest Alliance. The guiding principle is the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources, responsible agriculture with effective planning and management systems and the improvement of the living conditions of the local community.

About Concéntrico

Concéntrico Arquitectos is an interdisciplinary studio specialising in architecture, interior design and creative concepts. The office focuses on collaboration with partners from the fields of urban planning and branding. Concéntrico is therefore predestined to create brands, they say.

Text: Linda Benkö
Fotos: Jose Miguel Gonzalez / Apertura Arquitectonica, Paco Alvarez / Recording Architecture, Grupo Meraki