Forever Young

Falling into the fountain of youth once and never get old or ill. The desire for a long and healthy life is growing. The associated trends are called longetivity and healthy ageing. Although there is no magic water as a rejuvenating cure, there are other measures that can help us to age with vitality, such as BodyClearance® therapy from the Ayus Clinic.

Life expectancy is increasing and with it the duration of age-related illnesses. Added to this is the environmental pollution to which we are increasingly exposed due to growing urbanisation and from which we can hardly escape. The pollutants in the air we breathe or the food we eat can lead to discomfort and illness and sometimes also accelerate the ageing process.

It stands to reason that the longing for longevity goes hand in hand with the pursuit of health. And this is exactly what the longetivity and healthy ageing trend is all about. A balanced diet, sufficient exercise and mental fitness are well-known factors that contribute to a better quality of life into old age. Less well known is the Ayus Clinic’s BodyClearance® therapy, a treatment concept to relieve the body.

Biological ageing begins at the age of 30 at the latest and manifests itself through various physiological, (epi-)genetic and biochemical changes that are closely linked to chronic diseases and cognitive decline. By slowing down biological ageing, we can significantly reduce the severity of many chronic conditions.

In the course of BodyClearance® therapy, harmful substances such as pesticides or heavy metals are filtered out of the blood and the body is detoxified. In combination with alternative methods and a diet plan, BodyClearance® promises an improvement in general health and preventive effects or improvements in various diseases, including Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases. And thus also healthy ageing.

Our ‘Healthy Ageing’ programme uses innovative techniques to reduce risks associated with age-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, frailty and dementia. These concepts open up new possibilities for maintaining health and extending the active years of life.

And then there are a few other things you can do in addition to BodyClearance® to stay young forever: going on swings, jumping in rain puddles, blowing bubbles, walking barefoot or picking flowers, for example.

photocredits: Ayus Clinic