The Murou Art Forest, also known as Murouji Sampo no Mori, is a unique art park in Nara Prefecture, Japan. This park combines breathtaking natural scenery with impressive modern art and offers visitors an unrivalled experience. Nestled in the wooded hills of Uda, the Murou Art Forest creates a harmonious connection between art and nature that attracts both locals and tourists.
Art installation
MOCA presents an outdoor installation by Los Angeles-based artist Larry Bell. Commissioned specifically for the Sculpture Plaza at MOCA Grand Avenue, Bill and Coo at MOCA’s Nest is a signature, space-defining work, at once creating a public art space while also echoing and highlighting the geometric forms that comprise the museum’s Pritzker Prize winning Arata Isozaki-designed building. This installation was generously gifted by MOCA Trustee Carol Appel, who has served on the board for four years, and her husband David Appel.