If walls could talk, they would have a lot to tell: The magnificent Fort Barwara in Rajasthan dates back to the 14th century and was originally owned by a royal family. Now the Six Senses Group, known for its extraordinary houses, has turned it into a fascinating oasis of relaxation. Carefully restored and converted with a focus on sustainability, the dream hotel in the Indian palace invites you on a fairytale journey through time into the history and culture of the country …

A bag that awakens a deep desire within us. It seems untouchable, which makes us desire it even more. This feeling – at once unbearable and beautiful – is something each of us has felt in some form or another. Inspired by the song “Come On Eileen” by the British band Dexys Midnight Runners, which is dedicated to this theme of love, INA KENT has christened her latest model EILEEN ed.1. A homage to irresistible desire, longing and (forbidden) love…

Helsinki has a lively and high-quality food culture that is still not fully recognised internationally. The goal of the City of Helsinki’s new food strategy is to highlight the Finnish capital’s unique food offerings and promote Helsinki as a world-class food city. Food will also be a central theme at the Matka Nordic Travel Fair on 20-22 January 2023. Helsinki’s food story will also be shared to the world by the restaurant Finnjävel’s pop-up at COMO The Halkin Hotel in London from 21 March to 1 April 2023.

When the stresses of day-to-day life get too much, holidays can be spent relaxing and soaking up the sun while enjoying some privacy. In line with their philosophy that “time and privacy are the new luxury”, the Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery provides the innovative approach of the villa concept – a private hotel just for you.::

Residing alongside five kilometers of pristine Mexican coastline is the 36,000-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve; within this oasis sits Cuixmala, recognized as being at the forefront of eco-luxury travel. Here the boundaries separating guests from nature are dissolved, whilst being one of the most luxurious places to stay in the world.

Puerto Escondido in the Mexican state of Oaxaca is a center of attraction for sun and sea lovers from all over the world. In particular, the beaches around La Punta Zicatela are a paradise for surfers; the year-round summer temperatures due to the geographical location on the southern Pacific coast of Mexico ensure a constant influx of tourists. The need for new hotels near the beach is therefore not surprising.

The word “nagomi” sounds mysterious and promising: is it the name of a Central African desert? Are the Nagomi an indigenous Amazonian tribe? Or is it the name of a newly opened celebrity restaurant in Kensington? None of these things are nagomi – or maybe somehow they are, as the three melodious syllables represent the Japanese art of achieving harmony and balance in life by incorporating opposites and conflict…