Residing alongside five kilometers of pristine Mexican coastline is the 36,000-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve; within this oasis sits Cuixmala, recognized as being at the forefront of eco-luxury travel. Here the boundaries separating guests from nature are dissolved, whilst being one of the most luxurious places to stay in the world.

Right on the slopes of Mount Etna, the largest volcano in Europe, you’ll find the historic estate of Monaci delle Terre Nere and its own vineyards. Full of extraordinary charm and natural beauty, this spot was originally chosen by the monks of St Anne’s order in the 17th century. Terraces were built for the cultivation of vines given the area’s propensity for wine, which today is part of the Etna DOC area. We met with Marco Torrisi, Monaci’s very own sommelier, to ask him three very important questions about wine…

The recently completed research and development centre for MAM Health & Innovation by INNOCAD architecture is one of the honoured projects of the 2022 Best of Year Awards of the American Interior Design Magazine in the category “Medium Corporate Office”. The award ceremony took place in New York City on December 8th where editor-in-chief Cindy Allen announced the 2022 Best of Year projects in different categories. This project that summarizes INNOCAD‘s and 13&9 Design‘s holistic design approach, has been also THE PLAN Award 2022 honoree, Bauherrenpreis 2022 nominee as well as World Architecture Festival Awards 2021 finalist. In an interview Martin and Anastasija Lesjak discussed the holistic approach.