The path to Collis Hill wasn’t an easy one, but Katrin still wouldn’t change a single thing about it. In the heart of Kals, she has succeeded in turning an old farmhouse into a place of tranquillity and inspiration. Returning to the roots and the four elements. We asked her what the journey was like to get there, what tichas are and what guests can expect when they get there…

Making things by hand is in no way “old school” at Creative Industries Styria. Styrian Products exhibit a blend of traditional craftsmanship with modern design and computer technology. This combination doesn’t just result in accurate and high-quality work, it also makes for extraordinary designs and products that have a positive impact on people’s everyday lives. Here are our top three…

There has been a lot of discussion since AI was made available to everyone in the form of ChatGPT and Midjourney. Is AI intelligent? Have people had their time as a thinking, creative being? What is authentically experienced and felt, and what is just simulated? And how can we tell the difference? Many questions that inspired us to dedicate the latest issue of Stylemate to the topic of AI…

Louis Vuitton zelebriert die Kunst des Reisens seit 1854 und bricht in diesem Herbst erneut zu neuen Horizonten auf, mit der Veröffentlichung von drei weiteren Titeln der Fashion Eye Reihe von Fotobüchern: Wien von Stefanie Moshammer, Hongkong von Frank Horvat und Deauville von Omar Victor Diop. Wie bei den vorangegangenen Titeln zeigt jedes Buch ein Land, eine Region, eine Stadt oder einen Ort mit den Augen eines Modefotografen…