In the picturesque village of Pürgg, high above the Ennstal valley and with a population of just 150, time seems to stand still. Austrian poet Peter Rosegger described the idyllic spot as the “cradle of Styria”, and it’s where we discover a restaurant and guesthouse with centuries-old character that is still evident today …

Systematic, nalytical, focused. And mindful of feasibility. That’s how Graz-based product designer Lukas Klingsbichel describes his way of working. Because it’s only when something is really feasible that reality can be changed – and that’s what he’s interested in …

Vegetation that grows luxuriantly even when the calendar would dictate otherwise, offering the user the relaxing and regenerating power of greenery at all times: this time SCAB Design, to define its products, chooses the Green House model, which, borrowed from other latitudes, have now become a creative inspiration for local interior design of venues and restaurants, where you can pleasantly enjoy your time …