A paradise for gourmets has been created in the Lendviertel district of Graz. This is because the Van den Berg spice house has been given a new, creative home there. Intense colors, exciting materials and the world of a thousand scents make you want more. The architectural firm LOVE architecture and urbanism is responsible for planning and implementation…

Helsinki has a lively and high-quality food culture that is still not fully recognised internationally. The goal of the City of Helsinki’s new food strategy is to highlight the Finnish capital’s unique food offerings and promote Helsinki as a world-class food city. Food will also be a central theme at the Matka Nordic Travel Fair on 20-22 January 2023. Helsinki’s food story will also be shared to the world by the restaurant Finnjävel’s pop-up at COMO The Halkin Hotel in London from 21 March to 1 April 2023.

Residing alongside five kilometers of pristine Mexican coastline is the 36,000-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve; within this oasis sits Cuixmala, recognized as being at the forefront of eco-luxury travel. Here the boundaries separating guests from nature are dissolved, whilst being one of the most luxurious places to stay in the world.

Food is a distinct chapter in Sifnos. The island has a great gastronomic tradition; you can taste it in every single bite. There’s no wonder why Nikolaos Tselementes, the Greek cook that changed the course of Greek gastronomy, was born here. While Greece is well-known for its cuisine and most of the travellers are interested in tasting traditional dishes, the food in Sifnos has something unique that differentiates it; maybe it’s the way that humble ingredients transform into an explosion of taste.