With Celinde, a range of coffee tables with cross-shaped legs and an integrated serving tray, Lukas Klingsbichel celebrates urban coffee culture and becomes part of the World Wide Things Collection, a selection of design objects taken from the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Here, the designer talks about his favourite pieces in the collection …

Systematic, nalytical, focused. And mindful of feasibility. That’s how Graz-based product designer Lukas Klingsbichel describes his way of working. Because it’s only when something is really feasible that reality can be changed – and that’s what he’s interested in …

Although we live in a materialistic world, “things” have a surprisingly bad reputation: they are seen as dead and soulless, and inferior to the organic world of plants, animals and humans in every respect. Anyone devoting themselves too enthusiastically to “things” is quickly suspected of being superficial. You might find that somewhat hypocritical considering we all invest a lot of energy in the quest for beautiful and valuable things, and in order to buy them we have to earn that thing called money…

Perfection is fleeting, so we need to see the beauty in the imperfect – that’s how the Japanese live with their philosophy of wabi-sabi, according to which all things are charming, even those with flaws. But it hasn’t been possible to carry this idea over to people, because in the land of the rising sun, it’s still business as usual: pressure, perfectionism, success …