We are richer than ever. At least as measured by that free time in which we can develop a cure for cancer, create significant works of art, and make the world a better place. But we are in danger of squandering this precious treasure, allowing the lure of the digital world to win the competition for our attention. So how will we use this limited resource in the future, when nothing less than the future of humanity depends on it?

Bijagua de Upala, Costa Rica – If you’re still trying to find a getaway for the cold winter months, Costa Rica is the place! The best time to visit is between December and April on its Pacific Coast when the weather is at its driest and brightest, and between March and September on the Caribbean side. The Origins Luxury Lodge by Mantis is a sustainable dream for travellers and a top tip from us…

They’re conquering the international Art scene from Dubai. Their portfolio includes contemporary artists from Austria to Abu Dhabi and all the way to Iran: meet couple Kourosh Nouri and Nadine Knotzer and their gallery, Carbon 12. THE Stylemate spoke to the Pair about the future of art and the Expo, and got a few insider tips about Dubai from those in the know.