If walls could talk, they would have a lot to tell: The magnificent Fort Barwara in Rajasthan dates back to the 14th century and was originally owned by a royal family. Now the Six Senses Group, known for its extraordinary houses, has turned it into a fascinating oasis of relaxation. Carefully restored and converted with a focus on sustainability, the dream hotel in the Indian palace invites you on a fairytale journey through time into the history and culture of the country …

Rovaniemi, Jan. 17, 2023- Recycling and conserving resources are becoming increasingly important in times of climate crisis. The transport sector is responsible for almost a quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, making it a major cause of climate change. The sector is also the main cause of air pollution in urban areas. Car manufacturers such as Polestar are therefore also continuing to look for innovative, environmentally friendly and sustainable materials, as can be seen in the run-up to Arctic Design Week in Finland.

Residing alongside five kilometers of pristine Mexican coastline is the 36,000-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve; within this oasis sits Cuixmala, recognized as being at the forefront of eco-luxury travel. Here the boundaries separating guests from nature are dissolved, whilst being one of the most luxurious places to stay in the world.

The word “nagomi” sounds mysterious and promising: is it the name of a Central African desert? Are the Nagomi an indigenous Amazonian tribe? Or is it the name of a newly opened celebrity restaurant in Kensington? None of these things are nagomi – or maybe somehow they are, as the three melodious syllables represent the Japanese art of achieving harmony and balance in life by incorporating opposites and conflict…

Food is a distinct chapter in Sifnos. The island has a great gastronomic tradition; you can taste it in every single bite. There’s no wonder why Nikolaos Tselementes, the Greek cook that changed the course of Greek gastronomy, was born here. While Greece is well-known for its cuisine and most of the travellers are interested in tasting traditional dishes, the food in Sifnos has something unique that differentiates it; maybe it’s the way that humble ingredients transform into an explosion of taste.