We are richer than ever. At least as measured by that free time in which we can develop a cure for cancer, create significant works of art, and make the world a better place. But we are in danger of squandering this precious treasure, allowing the lure of the digital world to win the competition for our attention. So how will we use this limited resource in the future, when nothing less than the future of humanity depends on it?

Ken Mogi knows what makes people happy. Following his world best-selling book The Little Book of Ikigai, the Tokyo-based author has now written another entitled The Way of Nagomi about the Japanese path to harmony and zest for life. During our interview, the rock star among neuroscientists revealed why now’s the time to move over to the Far East lifestyle, how we could ensure greater well-being in everyday life and what he himself gains from balance…

PLAY NOW – 13 APRIL: Win one of 10 annual subscriptions (3 issues) of THE Stylemate Magazine. Exciting and extraordinary stories from the fields of architecture, art & culture, design, fashion & beauty, hotels and travel as well as wonderful essentials and ingenious insider tips inspire trend-conscious travellers, art lovers, fashionistas, globetrotters or design enthusiasts in their personal fancy lifestyle …