Nestled in the rolling hills of Tuscany, surrounded by cypress trees and olive groves, lies Villa Giuncheto – a sanctuary of tranquility and inspiration. Here, the Clayground Retreat takes place, offering a unique experience that blends art, mindfulness, and nature. Artists Anna Riess and Fira Rietveld have developed a concept that unites the creative process with a deep connection to the earth. The goal is not to create a perfect piece of art, but to fully experience the moment – with hands, heart, and all the senses.

Was braucht es, um zu wachsen? Hindernisse vielleicht. Fehler. Angst – und ganz bestimmt auch Mut. Aber vor allem eines: Stille. Und ein paar tiefe Atemzüge. Am besten an einem Ort, an dem Stille laut sein darf, getragen von sanfter Musik und liebevollen Stimmen. Ein solcher Ort sind die Arise Body & Mind Studios der Alto Hotel Group in Lana und Bozen in Südtirol.

In einer Zeit zunehmender Unruhen in der Welt erweist sich Musik als kraftvolles Mittel für Heilung, Verbindung und Transformation. Das Video zeigt, wie die True Source Band – eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mönchen des Plum Village und 77 Productions – das Erbe von Zen-Meister Thích Nhất Hạnh fortführt, indem sie Musik als Medium für Achtsamkeit und emotionale Ausdruckskraft nutzt.

Luxury travel is evolving. Sustainability, mindfulness, and holistic wellbeing are becoming increasingly central. The latest report, “New Codes of Luxury: Longevity & Wellbeing Strategies” by The Future Laboratory, highlights a growing trend among travelers seeking destinations that go beyond traditional comfort. The demand is for places that offer not only relaxation but also a deeper meaning and a lasting impact on both body and mind.

In an era where urbanization distances us from nature, Marco Nieri, a bio-researcher and expert in eco-design and habitat health, has dedicated his life to rediscovering the profound connection between humans and the natural world. His work is not just a scientific exploration—it is a mission to reconnect people with the healing potential of nature, blending biophysics, ecology, and ancient wisdom.

Can an Ancient Asian Tea Ceremony and a Mallorcan Stone Courtyard Tell the Same Story? At first glance, it may seem unlikely—but upon closer inspection, they share a profound connection: harmony with nature, simplicity, and respect for tradition. At Es Racó d’Artà, a tranquil retreat in the untouched northeast of Mallorca, Asian influences blend naturally and seamlessly into the surroundings.

Eckhart Tolle on the Next Stage of Evolution “When a sufficient number of humans have gone through this incredible shift in consciousness, the world that they create will look very different from the world that is created by humans who are completely identified with thinking.” So says Eckhart Tolle in this inspiring video sharing his vision of the next stage in human evolution.

Ah yes! This is what it feels like when you find your inner self again. In everyday life, we often get lost in work or other distractions and forget to be mindful of ourselves. But there are places that can help you to embark on this powerful journey again. For example, the four-star Hotel Alpin Juwel – a gem with a holistic detox retreat.

In the 1940s, a small yet influential movement emerged in sunny California: the Nature Boys. Inspired by a return to nature, alternative lifestyles, and philosophical currents from East and West, they lived a way of life that can be seen as the precursor to the hippie movement. Who were these pioneers of mindfulness and self-sufficiency, and what impact did they have on society?

The platform Lifestylehotels™ continues its international success story by adding two exceptional newcomers to its portfolio: the K5 in Tokyo and The Kumaon in India. Both properties embody the principles of mindful travel, inviting guests to experience conscious exploration paired with cultural depth and unique design.

Stoicism, a philosophical school originating in ancient Greece, is experiencing a renaissance in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world. Its central principles not only provide guidance during uncertain times but also offer a framework for mindful and balanced living. This article explores the profound philosophy of Stoicism, its historical roots, and its relevance in modern society.