TEPPICHGALERIE GEBA: Rugs just asking to be sat on

Teppichgalerie GEBA

The Geba rug gallery has its roots in the ancient tradition of hand weaving. The gallery has been located in the old town of Graz since 1987 and is an internationally renowned symbol of quality and skill when it comes to rug design. Harald Geba was a trailblazer in Austria, revolutionising the classic oriental rug and in doing so, casting aside old-fashioned ideas by combining modern designs with traditional craftsmanship.

A wealth of designs

The Geba rug gallery showcases a wide range of designs, colours and styles for customers from all over the world to adorn boutique hotels, offices and private homes.

But before the Geba rug gallery gets started with the design process, they offer an exclusive service that involves assessing the location in order to be able to create the perfect rug for the space. It is then designed in collaboration with the customer and can be tailored to their wishes – be it modern or traditional, free design or aligned with the branding of the hotel or company.

The Geba colour palette comprises 256 individual shades that can be used in any combination in any design. A special feature of the company’s service is that the rug that’s designed can be visualised in the space virtually, or even left in place for a short time to check in advance that it will definitely suit the room.

Uncompromising quality

When it comes to quality, the manufacturers at the Geba rug gallery accept no compromises. The wool processed in Nepal comes from the high mountain sheep of Tibet. Very long fibres and a lot of wool grease are particular characteristics that protect the animals in their harsh habitat and form the basis of a long-lasting rug.

This means the rugs are not only extremely hard wearing and resistant to dirt, they’re also incredibly warm and quite literally make people want to sit on them. In addition to sheep’s wool, the Geba rug gallery utilises materials such as nettle, hemp and linen, which are ideally suited to those with allergies.

A rug for everyone

A customer initially gets to know a Geba rug through their eyes: they see the pattern, the colours and make first contact. Then they enter a hotel, an office or a home and instantly feel welcome – it’s become an oasis of well-being. But rugs aren’t just a highlight of interior design or a work of art you can walk on – they also improve acoustics and the indoor climate.
