The greatest magic lies in creation.

Hanna Erz’s greatest passion is craftsmanship, creating, creating, expressing. Art, fashion, craft, drama, music, dance, no matter what form of visual arts and cultures you choose, all offer an incredibly and wonderfully powerful force to convey values on an emotional level, to reach and influence the viewer – wearer on an emotional level.

This possibility fascinates her immensely, it is the source of her work and projects.

For Hanna Erz the most important thing is to give the viewer or wearer the creations a feeling consciously chosen by her, especially women. Besides the illustrations – art, which are an important and strong mouthpiece for Hanna, she makes custom couture wedding and evening dresses, with the background of giving the customer a confident strong and beautiful feeling. Creating a dress that is 100% her essence and at the same time gives the feeling of strength and sex appeal.

Clothes: It’s not about how they make you look, it’s about how they make you feel.

This is the philosophy that Hanna Erz bases all her fashion designs on. Clothing can be so much more than just looking good or being functional. Clothes have a huge impact on how we feel, you can trigger an incredible amount in a person. That’s what fascinates me.